Bethesda account (free) required.

Supports 16 players RESEARCH

Multiplayer has bots, but they aren’t “players”.
Supports 16 players.

Modes are Cooperative and Deathmatch.

Maps are ID Deathmatch Pack #1 (too many to list), Doom (E1M1: Hangar, E2M9: Fortress of Mystery), Doom II (Map01: Entryway, Map07: Dead Simple, Map11: Circle of Death), TNT (Map01: System Control), Plutonia (Map30: The Gateway of Hell), Sigil (E5M1: Baphomet’s Demesne, E5M2: Sheol, E5M3: Cages of the Damned, E5M4: Paths of Wretchedness, E5M5: Abaddon’s Void, E5M6: Unspeakable Persecution, E5M7: Nightmare Underworld, E5M8: Halls of Perdition, E5M9: Realm of Iblis)
6v6 Deathmatch (No Monsters Unchecked, Monsters Respawn Checked) on Map01: Entryway
Release DateDeveloper
August 8, 2024id Software, Nightdive Studios
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