Pvp Players: PvP – 8

  • Left 4 Dead 2

    Left 4 Dead 2

    What a game! A lot of co-op modes. Co-op PvP Favorites Supports 4 players. Campaign, Survival (wave survival), and Realism (survival but harder) is 4 player co-op. Supports 8 players. Modes are Versus (team deathmatch) and Scavenge (objective). Maps are Dead Center, Dark Carnival, Swamp Fever, Hard Rain, and The Parish. 4v4 Versus on any…

  • Gears of War

    Gears of War

    Remastered game of Gear of Wars 1 is called Gears of War Ultimate Edition and it’s the better choice for modern xboxes. Co-op PvP Favorites Campaign is 2 player co-op. Multiplayer has no bots. Supports 8 players. Modes are Warzone, Assassination, Execution, and Annex. Maps are Canals, Clocktower, Escalation, Fuel Depot, Gridlock, Mansion, Mausoleum, Rooftops,…

  • Star Wars The Clone Wars

    Star Wars The Clone Wars

    The game before Battlefront. Battlefront 2 is the better option. Co-op PvP Favorites Supports 4 players. Campaign does not support co-op system link. The multiplayer mode Academy is 4 player co-op. Supports 8 players. Modes are Duel (Team Deathmatch), Control Zone, Conquest (control zones, plus final target at enemy base), and Academy (wave survival) Maps…

  • Harms Way

    Harms Way

    Cooperative PvP, where duos (racer and shooter) go against each other in racing combat mayhem. Co-op PvP Favorites Campaign does not support co-op system link. Multiplayer has no bots. Supports 8 players. There is only one mode. Maps are Navajo Arch, Desert Bloom, and Wasteland. 2v2v2v2 on any map. Release Date Developer December 8, 2010…

  • Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict

    Peak third person arena shooter. Really fun, pure chaos! Incredible melee and fatality mechanic, with classic FPS gunplay, and different classes. Pretty smooth transition between FPS gunplay and TPS swordplay. Exclusive to Xbox. Feels like the predecessor to Fortnite. Co-op PvP Favorites Supports 2 players. Campaign does not support system link co-op. It’s not a…

  • Shred Nebula

    Shred Nebula

    Co-op PvP Favorites Campaign does not support co-op system link. Multiplayer has no bots. Supports 8 players. There is only one multiplayer mode. Maps are Arena, The Mines, Code Zero, Gladiators, Burnt, Close Quarters, Training Yard, Retribution, Dark Labs, Scrapped Space, and Fortress. 4v4 on Training Yard or Retribution or Dark Labs or Scrapped Space…

  • Prey


    Plays like classic Quake and Unreal Tournament, but with different environment and movement mechanics. Very difficult for beginners and super nausea-inducing game because you can temporarily leave your body and run around as a spirit, you can walk on walls and ceilings, pads flip vertical orientation, rooms that reverse and change gravity, and there’s teleporters…

  • Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

    Great for beginners. The GOAT lightsaber gameplay and mechanics. Co-op PvP Favorites Campaign does not support co-op system link. Multiplayer has bots, but it’s buggy. You can’t play 4 players vs 4 bots for some reason. Supports 8 players, but goes up to 10 with a dedicated host. Modes are Free For All, Duel (1v1),…

  • The Darkness

    The Darkness

    Good multiplayer, but it lacks features, modes, and bots. We suggest every player changes controls to Default Controls 2, so that A is jump. Download the free DLC ‘Darkness MP Map: DM_Haunt’ if you want to play that map. Co-op PvP Favorites Campaign does not support co-op system link. Multiplayer has no bots. Supports 8…

  • Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X

    Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X

    It’s great, but difficult for beginners and repetitive gameplay. Game used satellite imagery for maps, so battles are over real-world locations. Co-op PvP Favorites Supports 4 players. Campaign does not support co-op system link. Multiplayer “co-op” supports 4 players and linear survival. Supports 8 players. Modes are Team Deathmatch (Regular Match, Gun Battle, Hardcore, Simulation,…